Purchase Pre-Filled Communion Cups Online

The Miracle Meal: Purchase Pre-Filled Communion Cups Online

Did you know that you can purchase pre-filled communion cups directly on our websites? Whether you’re in South Africa,  Canada, Europe or America. We have manufacturing plants in all of these locations, plus we distribute to countries across the globe. This includes the Netherlands, Mexico, Germany as well as Australia, New Zealand, Botswana, Namibia and…

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pre-filled communion cups for Christmas

The Miracle Meal: Remembering The Greatest Gift Of All This Christmas

In just a few short weeks, families will gather and there’ll be gifts under the Christmas tree. But let’s remember that this season is about the greatest gift of all. The birth of Christ! Our ultimate Saviour. Born to live out an incredible purpose that would save us from the darkness of this world.  …

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The Miracle Meal Pre-packaged Communion Cups - Gift of Christ

The Miracle Meal Communion: The Gift Of Christ

miracle /ˈmɪrək(ə)l/ noun an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.   meal /miːl/ noun an occasion when food is eaten, or the food that is eaten on such an occasion   When we share communion, we remember the sacrifice of Christ and His divine gift of grace. But there’s also…

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The Miracle Meal - Communion Church Sunday

The Miracle Meal Communion: The Gift Of Sunday And The Promise Of A New Week

How incredible is it to be part of a Sunday church experience, and share communion as a church? While some of us may still be experiencing church online, some are back in the physical building of church. But regardless of where we find ourselves physically on a Sunday, the gift that it brings intangible. Worship,…

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The Miracle Meal Pre-Filled Communion Cups in London

The Miracle Meal: Easy-To-Peel Pre-Filled Communion Cups In The United Kingdom

Did you know that The Miracle Meal pre-filled communion cups are easy-to-peel and available throughout the United Kingdom? Congregations no longer need to spend hours pouring hundreds, if not thousands, of communion cups per church service. With one simple click, churches are now able to have boxes of pre-filled communion cups delivered directly to them…

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UK London Miracle Meal Communion Cup – Prefilled Communion Cup

Miracle Meal Prefilled Communion Cup – Made in USA Box Of 100 Prefilled Communion Cups: The Miracle Meal is a ready to serve, pre-filled communion cup, that contains juice and an unleavened wafer under the top seal. The second seal reveals the juice. The cup fits into standard communion cup trays and no refrigeration is needed. Cups…

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