The Miracle Meal: Manufacturers Of All-In-One Pre-Filled Communion Cups

The Miracle Meal: Manufacturers Of All-In-One Pre-Filled Communion Cups

The Miracle Meal is your go-to manufacturer of all-in-one communion cups. Not only have we made communion easier than ever with our individual communion cups, but they are available across the world as well. They can be sourced from our branches in Canada, America, London and South Africa.   We’re proud that our all-in-one communion cups have been used…

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The Miracle Meal Communion: The Gift Of Christ

The Miracle Meal Communion: The Gift Of Christ

miracle /ˈmɪrək(ə)l/ noun an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.   meal /miːl/ noun an occasion when food is eaten, or the food that is eaten on such an occasion   When we share communion, we remember the sacrifice of Christ and His divine gift of grace. But there’s also…

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No Longer Slaves to Fear

We are no longer slaves to fear – the Bible is clear about this. Fear comes in many forms. It’s a distraction from our God given purpose. It consumes our thoughts and causes a mind shift which leads to depression. It’s subtle and this is why we need to take every thought captive. Guard your…

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