
What Cup Did Jesus Use For Communion?

Photo of communion cups

Communion, the sacred rite wherein believers partake of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, is central to Christian worship. It is an act that symbolizes unity in faith, a shared acknowledgment of Christ’s atoning work. But surprisingly, one question that has popped up consistently revolves around the material element of the sacrament, specifically, what cup did Jesus use for communion? A study of this aspect in both a historical and biblical context opens doors to intriguing insights and revelations.

Moreover, it sheds light on the communal practice of taking pre-packaged communion cups in the modern era. In the pursuit of practicality, hygiene, and safety, especially in a world grappling with health crises like the pandemic, how has this shift in practical elements of communion translated for believers worldwide? Strap in for a deep dive into the history of the communion cup and its evolution to the pre-filled communion cups of today.

The Historical and Biblical Perspective

To discern the type of cup Jesus would have used for communion, one needs to delve into historical and biblical contexts. Being a Jewish ritual, the Last Supper, where the first communion took place, would have followed Jewish customs of the day. It is highly probable that Jesus used a common drinking vessel of his time, possibly a form of ceramic or stone cup.

The Bible doesn’t specify the material property of the cup, focusing instead on its symbolic importance. Jesus takes a cup, gives thanks, and offers it, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” (1 Corinthians 11:25). The focus remains on the act of remembering, not on the physical vessel used.

The Evolution of the Communion Cup

The communion cup has shed its form and material constraints over time. It has evolved from common drinking vessels to finely crafted chalices, often made of precious metals, used in high church traditions. In the interest of convenience and hygiene, individual glass cups debuted in the late 19th century, especially within Protestant churches.

Our modern era has seen the advent of pre-filled, pre-packaged communion cups, like those provided by The Miracle Meal, which are a testament to this evolution. These cups offering both the bread and wine, compactly sealed and ready for use, are a tangible expression of the convenience and practicality of the modern era.

Click here to order our pre-filled, pre-packaged communion cups on our online store today and enjoy quick deliveries directly to your door.

The Significance of Pre-Packaged Communion Cups

In a world striving for practicality without compromising symbolism, pre-packaged communion cups strike a delicate balance. They embody the essence of communion – remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice, while meeting our contemporary need for hygiene, safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility.

Pre-packaged communion cups from The Miracle Meal, for example, have a one-year shelf life, require no preparation, and are easy to open silently. The plastic cups are recyclable, reflecting a commitment to environmental stewardship. The design is simple and immersive, the wafer revealed by removing the top film and the juice by peeling off the middle foil seal.


At the Last Supper, it was not the type of cup Jesus used that held the significance, but the symbol and act of sharing it that became a cornerstone of Christian faith. It’s this essence of shared faith and remembrance that communion, in every form it has taken, encapsulates. The evolution of the communion cup, from the common drinking vessel of biblical times to the pre-packaged cups of today, has always been shaped by the practical needs and contexts of the faithful.

Inviting you to embrace this marriage of convenience and symbolism, we encourage you to explore our range of pre-packaged communion cups at The Miracle Meal. Embodying reverence, practicality, and environmental consciousness, they offer a meaningful way to partake in communion in contemporary times. Celebrate this deeply personal act of faith with us; after all, communion is all about shared remembrance and unity in faith. Explore our offerings today.

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