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If you’re new to Christianity or you have been journeying through it for many years, you may still have some questions about communion. Communion has been an amazing gift to us and sharing that with others is our privilege. We share some important things to remember about communion, and how we are ready to partner…
Pre Filled Communion Cups | London
Pre-filled communion cups made in U.S.A. Pre-filled communion cups in USA and ship to CARSON, CA 90746-1306 USA. Delivery generally takes 2-3 days. Shipped from Dallas to CARSON, CA 90746-1306 US is fast. Shop now We manufacture daily and carry stock. Orders are dispatched within 48 hours. Allow 1 -3 days USPS priority mail. Tracking number will…
Church Needs New Individual Pre Sealed All in One Communion cups
All in one Pre Packaged Communion with wafer and juice Experts pretty much agree that the risk of contracting an illness from sharing a chalice is low, however with the onset of new viruses one needs to take precautions. The Miracle Meal is a portable pre sealed, prefilled Communion cup that includes a wafer and juice in…

The Miracle Meal: Pre-packaged Communion Cups
The Miracle Meal is London’s leading manufacturer and distributor of pre-packaged communion cups. We supply thousands of cups to churches, Christian stores and for individual purchase as well. Did you know that the Miracle Meal also has locations in South Africa, Canada and the United States? With an ever-expanding mindset, and a passion for bringing…
Pre Packaged Communion Cups made in USA available in London United Kingdom
Dreams became reality. What started our as a dream in South Africa became a reality late December 2019. Our automatic communion machine arrived, on the shores of The United States of America, to help solve the problem most churches have with facilitating communion. Our heart is to encourage churches to partake of Holy Communion more…